1. <A> Woman's Place is in the House: Royal Women of Judah and their Involvement in the House of David
Author: \ Elna K. Solvang
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: خاورمیانه -- شاهان و فرمانروایان
Classification :

2. A woman's place is in the house : royal women of Judah and their involvement in the House of David
Author: Elna K Solvang
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Athaliah, Queen of JudahWomen in the Bible ***** Middle East > Kings and rulers *****

3. A woman's place is in the house :royal women of Judah and their involvement in the House of David
Author: Solvang, Elna K.
Library: Library of Mofid University (Qom)
Subject: ، Michal )Biblical figure(,، Bathsheba )Biblical figure(,، Athaliah,,، Women in the Bible,Kings and rulers ، Middle East
Classification :